Reflect in style: discover our mirrors.

A glass application you might not have immediately thought of: mirrors! You look at them every day, but do yours really fit into your interior seamlessly? Let the experts at SprimoInstall assist you in finding the perfect mirror for your space.

A bedroom with a wall fully made of mirrors.
Reflection in a mirror of a woman enjoying her morning coffee while looking out of her window.

More space and light thanks to mirrors

In a small space, a mirror makes the room appear larger than it really is. In addition, a mirror also reflects light. When it is in the right spot on the wall, a mirror can ensure that a room with little incoming light is still provided with enough natural light.

Icon Total solutions: A checklist where everything is checked off

Total solutions

Icon Careful installation: A shining new window

Careful installation

Icon Experienced craftsmen: A icon of an craftsman

Experienced craftsmen

Icon Personal support: A hand with a heart in it

Personal support

Make an appointment with our experts.

Ready to bring your glass project to life? Or do you still have questions? Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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